Welcome to BeamSolver Copyright (c) Gerald Bechen 1995 Beamsolver is a GUI driven engineering application that allows the user to calculate the solution for any of nine different common beam configurations. The user can input (or select) a beam's cross section, length, load type, and material properties, and then quickly calculate the beam retraint and shear forces, bending moments, stresses in the beam, and beam displacements. * BeamSolver has been tested on: A1000, A1200, A3000 and should run on any Amiga with OS 2.0+ w/1MB CHIP/1MB FAST RAM. * Install Beamsolver by copying its drawer to wherever you like. To use it double click on its icon, or issue the command "Beamsolver" from the CLI. BeamSolver is an Engineering tool, intended to be used by persons who have been adequately trained or have otherwise become familiar with the engineering principles related to BeamSolver. Documentation included with the BeamSolver Software is primarily intended to acquaint casual users with concepts they should become familiar with before implementing a completed beam design. The Beamsolver distribution file is named "BeamSolver1.lha" and includes the following files: Beamsolver1 Beamsolver1.guide Beamsolver1.info Beamsolver1.guide.info Cantc_card.iff ffc_card.iff Cantu_card.iff ffu_card.iff fsc_card.iff ssc_card.iff fsu_card.iff ssu_card.iff Contu_card.iff Cantc.iff Stress.iff readme.txt After decompressing the "BeamSolver1.lha" file, all of the above files should reside in a drawer labeled "BeamSolver". If you have not received all of the above files, contact the author: Gerald Bechen 404 School Street Whitman, Massachusetts 02382 USA email: G. Bechen@genie.geis.com G. Bechen@cup.portal.com